The Universal Beauty

Essential oils for pedicure – Method, Benefits, Homemade Remedies, and More

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How to use essential oils for pedicure?

  • The essential oils for pedicure are ideal for smoothening our feet skin and making it look amazing.
  • You can take a bowl and pour some warm water into it.
  • Add one lemon slice to the bowl and pour in about four to five drops of lemon essential oil.
  • Dip your hands and legs in the bowl of water and rub the lemon on your nails and over dark skin surrounding your nails.

Benefits of Essential oils for pedicure

1. Reduce and treat corns on the feet

  • Very common and usually located on the foot’s outer side, corns are caused by the thickening of the feet’ skin.
  • They are mild but can cause significant pain and sometimes even interfere with walking.
  • Diluted in vegetable oil, essential oils act as a gentle exfoliant that will reduce calluses.
  • The castor plant oil and vegetable shea butter will nourish and soften encrusted horns.
  • Massage your feet daily with a nourishing oily treatment enriched with essential oils with exfoliating properties, paying particular attention to the foot’s hard and painful parts.

2. Pedicure Drops

  • Preparation based on essential oils for the hygiene of your feet.
  • In the form of drops to be applied with a light massage, this mixture helps protect your feet in public places (swimming pool, sauna, etc.)


  • Organic essential oils: Geranium, Tea Tree, Lavender, Swiss white thyme, Savory of the mountains, Patchouli, Scots pine
  • Oregano, Red myrtle, Cajeput, Laurel tree, Clove clove, Cinnamon bark of Ceylon, Petitgrain bigarade
    Tarragon, Baume du Peru, Peppermint, Globulous Eucalyptus.

Homemade Recipes

  • The scrub for softer and more supple skin
  • The first essential step for pretty, soft feet: the scrub!
  • Very thick, the skin of the feet is, in fact, subjected to the incessant friction of socks and shoes, which promotes the formation of corns and calluses.
  • For an effective exfoliation, go for natural ingredients that have been proven.
  • The Epsom Salt and exfoliating grains, the Urea to keratolytic virtues intense, or the powdered walnut shells to effect powerful exfoliant.
  • For like-new feet, perform a homemade scrub once or twice a week. Massage your feet vigorously, insisting on the heels.

1. Magic cream for dry and damaged feet

  • Level: Beginner
  • Preparation time: 5 minutes
  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • True revealer of the beauty of your feet, this cream combines its exfoliating, nourishing, and moisturizing powers to eliminate the thickest horns and calluses while repairing cracks.
  • Firstly, it leaves your feet soft and supple for longer.
  • Secondly, apply a small amount of cream in a circular motion on the feet, insisting on the heels.
  • Lastly, massage until the cream completely absorbs, then remove the bamboo beads by rubbing your feet.

2. Lavender oil pedicure

  • Ingredients for 100 ml
  • Neutral base Organic all-purpose cream 1 jar of 100 ml
  • Cosmetic active ingredient Urea 2 scoops 2 ml.
  • Bamboo Pearls Exfoliant 2 scoops 2 ml
  • Organic Lavender essential oil 12 drops


  • Firstly, put all the ingredients directly into the jar that contains the all-purpose neutral cream.
  • Secondly, mix using the stainless steel spatula and apply.

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