The Universal Beauty

Hibiscus Leaf for Hair – Benefits and Ten Ways to Use Hibiscus Leaf for Hair

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Hibiscus Leaf for Hair is one of the most famous herbs for hair. It is prevalent for promoting hair growth.

And know what? Hibiscus is even known to regenerate hair through bald patches!

It is useful in stopping hair loss by supporting hair growth, preventing premature hair, and nourishing hair.

Benefits of Hibiscus Leaf for Hair

  • Repairs damaged hair.
  • Fight against dandruff.
  • Makes the hair shiny and facilitates disentangling.
  • Makes the hair thicker.
  • Improves hair colour.
  • Improves hydration.

Ten Amazing Ways to use Hibiscus Leaf for Hair

1. Hibiscus Infused Hair Oil for Hair Growth


  • Eight or Nine hibiscus flowers and leaves


  • Take 8 or 9 hibiscus leaves. They should be washed and ground together.
  • Now heat a cup of coconut oil in a saucepan and add the crushed hibiscus paste.
  • Cover and turn off the flame. Use this oil to massage your hair and scalp. Leave on for at least 20 minutes.
  • You will benefit the most if you leave it on overnight.
  • Wash off with a mild shampoo. You can also go for a hibiscus shampoo.
  • This hibiscus oil for hair is known to rejuvenate the scalp, facilitate blood circulation, and promote hair growth.
  • You can also store this oil in a container and use it regularly. It makes your hair soft and healthy.

2. Hibiscus leaf and Curd hair mask for healthy hair


  • Three Hibiscus leaf
  • One tablespoon curd


  • Firstly, grind some hibiscus leaves into a paste.
  • Mix the dough with four tablespoons of curd.
  • Secondly, apply the combination to your hair and scalp and leave it on for about an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and shampoo.
  • This hair mask is known to make the hair roots strong and promote hair growth. Hair feels manageable and nourished.

3. Hibiscus leaf and Fenugreek Anti-Wrinkle Eye Package


  • Four hibiscus leaf
  • One tablespoon fenugreek seed


  • Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds overnight.
  • Grind the hibiscus leaves and fenugreek seeds together and mix with the buttermilk.
  • Apply the paste on your scalp and say “goodbye” to dandruff!

4. Hibiscus leaf and Mehendi Anti-Wrinkle Eye Package


  • Five Hibiscus leaf
  • Two tablespoons of Mehendi


  • Grind a handful of hibiscus leaves with Mehendi leaves.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon and apply it to your hair.
  • Your hair is not only thoroughly conditioned, but we also protect it against dandruff!

5. Hibiscus leaf and Amla hair pack


  • Three tablespoons of amla powder
  • Three tablespoons of crushed hibiscus leaves


    • Firstly, mix the ingredients well to form a mask.
    • Secondly, you can add amla juice for this purpose.
    • Apply the mask to your hair and wait for about forty minutes.
    • This hair mask promotes robust and healthy hair.

6. Hibiscus leaf shampoo


  • Fifteen Hibiscus leaves
  • Five Hibiscus fowers


  • Firstly, boil fifteen hibiscus leaves and five hibiscus flowers in a cup of water for about five minutes.
  • When it cools, grind them into a paste.
  • Now mix gram blossoms as per requirement, and you can happily wash your hair with this homemade shampoo.

7. Hibiscus Leaf Hair Deep Conditioner


  • Eight hibiscus leaves
  • Water


  • Crush eight hibiscus leaves and use enough water to make a fine paste.
  • Apply to clean scalp and hair, wait an hour, and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • This conditioner nourishes the hair roots and promotes hair growth by reviving dead hair follicles.
  • Hibiscus, which can often be grown in your garden, is a magnificent way to make your hair healthy.
  • So why not utilize it for your profit? Whether you choose to prepare healthy hair oil, a nourishing conditioner, or a nourishing hair pack.
  • Hibiscus is something you should incorporate into your hair care routine.

8. Hibiscus Leaf for your vaporizer


  • 7 Hibiscus leaves
  • Mineral water or not


  • Boil water and add the previously cleaned hibiscus flower petals and leaves.
  • Leave to cool and filter to collect the hibiscus juice to integrate it into the vaporizer.

9. Hibiscus leaf care mask


  • 4 Hibiscus leaves
  • Water
  • Coconut oil
  • Lemon


  • Wash your hibiscus leaves and mix everything to obtain a paste.
  • Add coconut oil, lemon and let stand 1 hour. You can also insert a few spoons of your conditioner into it.

10. Hibiscus leaf oil for hair growth


  • Seven hibiscus leaf
  • Olive or avocado oil


  • Wash your hibiscus leaves and loot the powdered leaves.
  • Heat your oil, then add your hibiscus powder to it, which you will let stand.
  • Collect the oil in a clean and preferably sterilized container. For use, apply and cover your hair with a hot towel for 40 minutes.
  • You can get hibiscus in exotic stores or on the net on Amazon for about ten euros for organic hibiscus.
  • I’m not planning on getting into a hibiscus-only routine.
  • I think I will use this flower occasionally, either as a mask or in the vaporizer, to change and give my hair a boost.
  • I have a few friends who use it in their vaporizers daily, and apparently, it would work fine.