The Universal Beauty

Sugar chapped lips – Definition and Remedies for Sugar chapped lips

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What do you mean by sugar chapped lips?

  • Sugar chapped lips usually occur in winter because the air is cold, dry, and the contrast of indoor and outdoor temperatures sometimes varies greatly, causing cracking or chapping on the lips.
  • However, this can also happen throughout the year, even in midsummer. Indeed, the sun and the heat also tend to dry the lips firmly.
  • Also, some lipsticks contain ingredients that can make your lips drier.
  • In this article, you will be able to find the perfect remedy for your chapped lips.

What remedy for sugar chapped lips?

1. Exfoliate regularly

  • Performing a lip scrub is essential to keep them soft, plump, smooth and allow the lip balm to penetrate correctly to hydrate your damaged lips.
  • We recommend you to exfoliate lips once or twice a week, not to irritate them too much.
  • Here are our two ultra-quick and straightforward recipes to make in 2 seconds for perfect lips.
  • Are you interested in other quick and natural scrub recipes?
  • Do not hesitate to read our articles on face scrubs and body scrubs, where you will undoubtedly find the perfect recipe for your skin type!

2. The coconut oil scrub

  • Coconut oil deeply moisturizes the lips and reduces the pain associated with chapped lips.
  • Also, this vegetable oil being antibacterial, it protects you from the risk of the development of certain bacteria in the cracks of the lips.
  • To make this super quick and straightforward scrub:
  • You will need a teaspoon of melted coconut oil and a teaspoon of white or brown sugar or a milder scrub to replace the sugar with baking soda.
  • Mix the ingredients until you get an exfoliating paste.
  • Apply the scrub to the lips and massage gently for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Then rinse off with lukewarm water, pat your lips dry and apply your nourishing lip balm liberally.
  • Your lips are now softer, smoother, and fuller because the scrub accelerates the blood microcirculation, making the lips swell slightly.

3. The honey scrub

  • Honey is an excellent remedy for preventing and repairing chapped lips from heat or cold.
  • Whether used as a scrub or as a lip balm, it creates a thin layer of protection on the lips to protect them from wind, cold or UV rays.
  • Also, honey has healing properties that accelerate the healing of chapped skin.
  • Honey also helps limit the development of bacteria in wounds, thanks to its antibacterial properties.
  • To perform this quick and easy lip scrub:
  • Take a teaspoon of liquid honey of your choice, a teaspoon of white or brown sugar, or baking soda if you prefer a gentler scrub.
  • Then mix the ingredients.
  • Once we obtain the exfoliating paste, apply it directly to your lips and massage gently for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water, pat your lips dry and apply nourishing lip balm.
  • Your lips are smoother, softer, and fuller, thanks to the activation of the microcirculation.
  • Moisturize chapped lips with a nourishing balm

The question that comes up often in winter is what to do in case of sugar chapped lips?

  • Remember that internal and external hydration is most important for keeping the lips in good condition.
  • And also, always hydrated skin that does not crack and stays plump.

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Helpful Resource: Worldbeautytips