The Universal Beauty

Why you should visit a cardiologist?

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Health Wellness

Do you know that your heart beats more than 100000 times a day? It’s such a crucial organ that needs optimum care. Research shows that heart diseases are the leading cause of death in the US and the world over. When you’ve never been diagnosed with any heart complications, it’s hard to know whether you need to see a cardiologist.

Here are a few reasons for you to visit a cardiologist

When you experience chest pain

Chest pain is a hallmark sign of a heart problem. Chest pain can be due to many other factors unrelated to the heart, but when the pain is severe, it could mean that the heart is not getting enough blood. Visiting a cardiologist can help determine the reasons behind and devise an appropriate treatment plan. Chest pain can also be a sign of an impending heart attack, a life-threatening emergency. You can also try to prevent any kind of emergency by getting an online ACLS certification so you can be more prepared for heart-related issues you may encounter.If you feel like you have a heart attack, try visiting a heart specialist immediately- that would save your life.

When your BP is high

The force of the blood pushing through the arteries is what is called blood pressure. Chronic and elevated blood pressure makes the heart work harder to circulate the blood, increasing the risk of attack or stroke. Too much pressure damages the arteries, and that is also very dangerous.

If you have diabetes

Cardiovascular diseases are closely related to diabetes. Poorly controlled blood sugar affects the functioning of blood vessels and increases the risk of developing coronary artery diseases. A cardiologist will closely work with your primary care physician to help determine the proper treatment or prevention strategy to lower the risk.

When you have got a history of cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance that is in some foods, and the liver makes it. High cholesterol leads to plaque in your arteries. A way of lowering your cholesterol levels is through eating a healthy diet. The physician may prescribe medications to treat the cholesterol to help reduce the risk of a heart attack. Ask the cardiologist to guide you on the healthy foods you need to eat and keep monitoring the cholesterol levels and thus help reduce the risk of heart attack or any other heart diseases.

When you have chronic kidney disease

When your kidneys are not functioning well, your heart disease risk increases, kidney disease is a predisposing factor of high blood pressure and arterial disease. A cardiologist will be able to discuss how your conditions affect the heart and therefore help you reduce the risk of such a disease.

When you have a history of a heart disease

Some heart diseases are genetic. When you see a relative who has been diagnosed with the disease at a young age, it could mean that it is running in the family, and therefore, you’ve to seek early intervention. The cardiologist will help you know how it affects your risk and therefore recommends preventive measures.

Don’t wait until you collapse or you develop breathing problems for you to see the cardiologist. When you notice something unusual like check pain, it is prudent that you book a session with the professional for a checkup.