The Universal Beauty

Wide Tooth Combs for Curly Hair – Methods and Types of Wide Tooth Combs for Curly Hair

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What is Wide Tooth Comb?

  • Wide Tooth Combs for Curly Hair and their natural coiled shape makes them conducive to “plugging” with each other.
  • Their porous scales generate friction between the wicks, sources of entanglement.
  • Therefore, the chore of disentangling can turn out to be perilous (breakage, frizz, messy curls, etc.).
  • Suppose some principles are not respected from the choice of a comb or a suitable brush to the detangling method.

What is the purpose of disentangling?

  • In addition to removing knots, disentangling also allows you to dust/ventilate the hair, eliminate dead hair, energize it, and distribute sebum, its protective oil, over the entire length.
  • It can also oxygenate the scalp by stimulating its blood circulation.
  • Choosing the right “tool” is the first condition for successful detangling without damaging your hair.
  • Unlike straight hair, I do not recommend the brush (but it may still be suitable for simply wavy hair).
  • To get rid of tangling, it is best to use your fingers only on wet hair (see the detangling instructions for use).
  • The fingers indeed have the ideal texture.
  • In the book “Curly Girl,” Lorraine Massey also recommends using only her fingers to comb her hair because brushes and combs alter the formation of curls, cause breakage, and can create frizz, according to her.
  • However, once wrung out, you can refine the disentangling, if necessary, with a comb with more or less complete teeth depending on your hair texture and the desired effect.

How to choose wide-tooth comb to disentangle your curly hair?

1. Material of the comb

  • The best comb for curly hair (and for all hair types in general) would be the horn comb. Its advantages:
  • More reliable, it does not trap electrical charges like plastic (which attracts electrons with negative charges) and thus helps to rebalance the electrical charges of the hair.
  • This balance between negative and positive charges is essential for good hair maintenance.
  • The complimentary hair repels each other (messy look). We search the air for the electrons they lack.
  • Also, the horn constitutes keratin, the natural constituent of our hair.
  • It is, therefore, the same molecular composition.
  • This natural material is more respectful of the environment, which does not spoil anything!
  • His advantages? It is antistatic and more robust than its plastic cousin. The horn comb does not pull out the hair.
  • For the record, the horn comb (or ivory) was used by the Carolingians in the 8th century.
  • During religious events, the church used it as a cleaner: “the liturgical comb.”
  • Note that beyond the comb’s material, its finish is just as essential: It must be perfectly smooth, with no snags or unevenness.
  • Otherwise, they risk catching your hair and, therefore, damage or split it quickly.
  • Better a perfectly smooth antistatic plastic comb than a poorly sanded horn comb with gaps in which we will damage the hair.

2. Eco-friendly wooden comb vs horn comb comparison

  • The horn comb glides better through the hair (the wooden comb “grips” more).
  • The horn comb does not produce static electricity, which is not the case with all wooden combs. Only the horn comb is anti-allergic.
  • Choose the material of your detangling comb for curly, frizzy, or frizzy hair.
  • Keratin is fragile: it is necessary to favour a material in affinity with its composition so as not to attack it.
  • In addition to the static electricity they generate, plastic and metal do not spread sebum (which makes up the hydro-lipid film protecting the hair and ensures its shine and cohesion) and can irritate the scalp.

3. Shape and size of the detangling combs for curly or frizzy hair

  • The profession has evolved from year to year to create a real corporation of “Master Comb finally.”
  • Alternatives to the horn comb: silicone, carbon, wood (especially oiled beech), or even ionic combs.
  • Ebonite and resin are also recommended and used by professionals for their strength.

Types of Wide Tooth Combs for Curly Hair

There are different types of wide tooth combs for curly hair and its uses:

1. Fork Comb

  • The fork comb gives volume and texture to the hair.
  • Its forks allow to ventilate short curly or very frizzy hair, refresh the hairstyle between two shampoos, and take off the roots.

2. Horn Comb

  • The horn comb smooths the hair, closes its scales.
  • A comb or a plastic brush would attack them, tear off micro-particles, and further wear down the cuticle.
  • The leaves are closed. They wear less quickly, are shiny, and the hair is silky.

3. Detangling Curved Teeth Comb

  • The detangling comb is a comb with curved teeth that intersect.
  • It is healthy and flexible teeth to detangle hair in depth and style without leaving marks. Each comb has two sizes of teeth.

4. The tail comb

  • The tail comb is a comb that ends with a fine tip.
  • It allows to draw lines with precision and to separate curly hair gently.
  • It is beneficial for dividing the hair into sections to achieve certain hairstyles, such as French braids or installing curlers or specific product.
  • Its finer and tighter teeth make it the ideal instrument for tight creping or perfectly smoothing strand by strand.
  • They allow to have a good grip on the hair and to be able to control it during the styling and drying operations.

5. Combs with handles or straight rakes

  • They have the same function as the detangler; their teeth are more or less complete and spaced.
  • The smaller the spacing between the teeth, the more the comb will catch tiny knots.
  • However, a comb with wider teeth avoids too much attack on the hair fibre and limits breakage.
  • It is particularly appropriate for curly or frizzy hair because it protects the curls’ shape and the fragility of their cuticles.
  • We can use it while showering, and it also helps to distribute your conditioner.
  • The widely spaced teeth are also particularly suitable for hairstyles requiring gels or foams (if you use them, avoid alcohol-based ones that dry out the hair and promote its tangling).

6. Round brush made of pure boar bristle

  • A small round brush with soft bristles is also viral and very popular with long, thick hair or frizzy hair with intense tangles: it is the famous “tangle.”
  • This brush’s advantage is that its pins bend before the hair breaks (therefore, limits breakage when untangling knots), so they will “soften the knot” gradually as they pass until they overcome it.
  • The other advantage of the tangle lies in its short spikes, which prevent them from sticking into the bit’s entire depth and once again facilitate their bending when they meet a knot.
  • The brushes mounted on a floating soft rubber base with movable pins are also recommended for curly hair because they prevent the latter from getting caught in it.
  • The brushes equipped with an air cushion make it possible to absorb the meeting’s impacts and limit the weakening of the hair fibre.

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