The Universal Beauty

Amla powder for face – Description, Benefits, Tips, and More

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Properties of Amla powder for face

  • We use Amla powder for face when we have an outbreak of intradermal pimples during the hot weather and to nourish our skin.
  • I don’t know if I should blame the temperatures, the stress, the pollution, the perspiration, or a bit of everything, but still, it is that I had a multitude of small buttons on the forehead that nothing dislodged! Nothing.
  • Until I tested the Amla powder!
  • Amla powder is excellent and has a delicate smell.
  • It is an astringent powder that helps purify the skin while removing blackheads.
  • It illuminates the complexion and helps the skin to regenerate.

Amla mask recipe for glowing skin


  • 2 teaspoons of Amla powder (astringent)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (hydrating and anti-inflammatory)
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin (moisturizer, optional)
  • lukewarm water


  • The wooden spoon I use comes from here and is reusable as long as it is cleaned and dried quickly!
  • I apply this mask quite simply with a brush over my entire face, and I leave it on for about twenty minutes.
  • After rinsing, the skin is already softer and more luminous.
  • I noticed a decrease in my buttons from the first use, and after a few days, I already had none at all!
  • You will have understood the Amla is a huge crush for me!
  • And I think of making a mask of it from time to time to maintain my skin!


  • Tonic and astringent, it illuminates the complexion, cleanses and purifies the skin.
  • It tones the teeth, cleans the mouth, and soothes bleeding gums.
  • Anti-aging regenerates skin tissue.
  • Personally, at the moment, I have always only used it for my face and my hair, but maybe I should put it in toothpaste.
  • As a mask alone or mixed with other ingredients, it works wonders without attacking. I can not do without it!

Quick Recipes using Amla Powder

  • I already told you about a mask with this powder in the article.
  • I will give you the recipe and other nuggets made from amla powder

1. Amla and Blue green clay

  • 2 Cac of Amla powder
  • 2 bedrooms of blue-green clay (or failing that, green clay)
  • Floral water / Rose hydrolase (until a nice paste is obtained)
  • 1 drop of tea tree essential oil
  • Mix the ingredients and apply. Rinse after 15 minutes.

2. Amla and Aloe

  • 2 CAC of Amla powder
  • 1 CAC of Aloe Vera gel
  • Lukewarm water (until you get a nice paste)
  • A swig (I didn’t know how to explain it lol, visibly, a little bit) of Organic Cider Vinegar
  • Mix the ingredients and apply. Rinse after 15 minutes.

3. Amla and White clay

  • Softness, tightened pores, clean skin, and a healthy glow!
  • 1 Case of White Clay
  • 1 Case of Amla powder
  • Rose hydrosol
  • 5 pct of Aloe Vera gel
  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • Mix the ingredients and apply. Rinse after 15 minutes.

4. Amla, Clay and Rhassoul

  • (intergalactic bomb atomizing imperfections mode of skin smoothing and pore closing!)
  • 1 cac of Amla powder
  • One cac of Argile (blue) Green
  • 1 cac of Rhassoul
  • A little lukewarm water (to start the formation of the dough)
  • Floral water / Rose hydrolase (until a paste is obtained that is not too liquid)
  • A little Nigella vegetable oil (perfect consistency paste) and add two drops of tea tree essential oil then apply the mixture.
  • Rinse after 15 minutes.

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