The Universal Beauty

Sweaty Scalp – Causes, Treatments, and Solutions for Sweaty Scalp

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What causes a sweaty scalp?

  • A sweaty scalp creates a sweating phenomenon; the causes can be physiological (caused by heat, intense sporting effort, stress and anxiety, low diet, heredity).
  • And also, symptomatic of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating), often caused by a disorder of the nervous system triggering the activity of the sweat glands (those which secrete sweat).
  • Problems of overweight, obesity, taking certain medications and using a shampoo that is too stripping can also be the cause of sweating of the head and scalp.

How to stop this sweating?

  • Possible, but the location of the hair on the scalp does not facilitate the task.
  • Start by checking the label of the shampoo you are used to using and checking that its chemical agents are not too aggressive.
  • If necessary, swap it for the best Sulphate and Paraben-free shampoos suitable for sensitive scalps.
  • It is easy to stop the amount of sweat; the best is to use a product specially developed for responsive areas such as the scalp.
  • The product takes between 6 and 8 hours to clog the sweat glands (responsible for sweat), so apply it in the evening instead.
  • Finally, to camouflage foul odours from sweat, you can use a dedicated deodorant.

What are the Problems and Solutions to Sweaty Scalp?

  • Sweating of the head and scalp is often accompanied by sweating on the scalp.
  • And if to that is added an increase in stress.
  • Suppose the sweat on the face is always causing by the same factors (diet, sport, heat, heredity, overweight, hormonal imbalance).
  • In that case, it can also accentuate by stress, anxiety or poor management of emotions.
  • There is no miracle recipe for this, apart from learning to put things into perspective by surrendering to relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation.
  • Regularly practising a boxing- type sport can also be a great way to let off steam and learn to manage your emotions.
  • On the face, you can also opt for a day cream against sweat.
  • For example, at Mennen, there is a moisturizing anti-moisture facial treatment which effectively eradicates the shine of the face.
  • And if despite your best efforts, your head, scalp and face perspiration continues to make life difficult for you, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  • The problem may then be medical, and only a health professional will be able to guide you on the right course of action and the appropriate treatment.

How to treat excessive sweating of the face and scalp?

You can limit the sweaty scalp. First, follow a few simple hygiene rules that are easy to implement:

  • Shower regularly: this advice may seem trivial, but it is the basis for eliminating sweat on the surface of the skin!
  • Also, take the time to dry yourself well so as not to leave any moisture—a fertile ground for the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Use a neutral pH soap: and if it is slightly antiseptic, even better!
  • Watch your diet: limit spicy dishes, alcohol and exciting drinks (coffee, tea) as much as possible. They increase the activity of the sweat glands.
  • As for care, you can use refreshing wipes specially designed for the face during the day. Also consider natural remedies, such as alum stone.
  • This natural antiperspirant firms the epidermis. You have to pass it on your face, after having moistened your skin with cold water.
  • Finally, be aware that there are local treatments and de-per spirants formulated to reduce sweat on the face and scalp.
  • And also, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

How to decrease excessive scalp sweating?

  • Before you start, it is essential to know if you have a sweaty or oily scalp.
  • The scalp tends to get “oily” quickly, the same day it was washed or the next day.
  • This finding is a crucial element in diagnosing that hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating.
  • The roots are shiny; the hair tends to curl around the ear.
  • Due to the demineralization that this hyperhidrosis causes, the hair tends to thin.
  • We often mistake hyperhidrosis for seborrhea (oily hair).
  • This error can cause Reactive Seborrhea.
  • If you clean your hair too often with a shampoo called “oily hair”, which is a sweaty scalp, we end up drying it out.
  • Therefore, it will automatically secrete sebum to compensate for this dryness.
  • The care for sweaty scalp like in a hair centre
  • We recommend doing it two times a week for 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Begin by massaging the scalp with 13 drops of Amplitude n ° 2 to lower the temperature of the skin and refresh. The massage will soften the scalp.
  • Then, apply a 1-millimetre layer of Terral Rojo to the entire scalp. Terral Rojo drains, decongests and limits excess sweating.
  • Wait time is 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and dry hair.
  • Apply the Energizing Shampoo, specific for sweaty hair, at the roots level.
  • Waiting time is 7 minutes.
  • The shampoo does not produce much lather.
  • Rinse well despite the absence of foam.
  • Then dry the hair.