The Universal Beauty

What is Tea Tree Oil? – Definition, Benefits, Medical Uses, and More

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What is Tea Tree Oil?

  • Tea tree oil comes from the beneficial Melaleuca’s leaves, a small tree native to Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.
  • Although Melaleuca is known as a tea tree oil, it should not be confused with the plant that produces the leaves used to make black, green, and oolong tea.
  • The Australian natives crush the tea leaves to extract the tree tea oil, which we inhale to take care of coughs and colds or applied directly to the skin for healing.
  • Today, tea tree oil is broadly available as 100% undiluted or “pure” oil.
  • Diluted forms are also available, ranging from 5 to 50% in products designed for the skin.

How does Tea Tree Oil work?

  • Tea tree oil contains several compounds, including terpinene-4-oil, which kills certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Terpinene-4-oil also increases your white blood cells’ activity, which helps fight germs and other foreign invaders.
  • Antibacterial properties make tea tree oil a valuable natural remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infections, and promoting healing.

What is the Composition of Tea Tree Oil?

  • It contains some compounds, including terpinene-4-oil (present up to 42%), which strongly contributes to killing certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Terpinene-4-oil also increases white blood cells’ activity, which helps fight germs and other foreign invaders.
  • It takes 100kg of plants to make 1 to 2L of it. Its characteristic smell is fresh and powerful with woody notes.

What are the properties of Tea Tree Oil?

Here are the main properties of the tea tree:

  • Anti-infectious: It is an ally of choice for killing certain pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, and I particularly recommend against gingival inflammation.
  • Antifungal: It is the enemy of fungi so that it is a natural shock treatment against fungal infections
  • Antiseptic: for little everyday ailments
  • Antiviral: a small blessing against viruses
  • Antiparasitic: will stop untimely scratching, advice to those who have scabies or lice

What are the Medical Uses of Tea Tree Oil?

1. Cystitis

  • To curb the growth of bacteria causing cystitis and urethritis, cleanse the area with cotton wool soaked in essential oil cream after each urination.
  • Massaging your abdomen and lower back with tea tree oil can also help pour a few drops in the bathwater.

2. Milky crust

  • Prepare some tea tree oil (made from olive oil at room temperature) to rub the baby’s scalp lightly.
  • As soon as the crust has diminished, continue the treatment with a shampoo based on essential oils.

3. Pre and post-surgical treatments

  • Start a few weeks earlier by taking tea tree oil baths and massages to boost your immune system.
  • After the procedure, continue to use it with massage oil, always avoiding the affected area.

4. Dermatitis

  • If the affected area is small, apply clean essential oil directly. If, however, it is sufficiently extensive, prepare cream and use it twice a day.
  • The treatment is effective against eczema, hives, rashes, allergic reactions, etc.

5. Skin rash

  • Prepare a tea tree cream (1 drop for a spoonful of cream) and apply it at each diaper change to calm the irritation.

6. Sore throat

  • Gargle with tea tree rinses three times a day to calm the irritation and prevent infection development.
  • It is also valuable in cases of tonsillitis.

7. Muscle aches

  • Massage with tea tree oils to ease the pain.
  • If the affected area is tiny, you can use a pure tea plant.

8. Fever

  • The essential oil bath helps to sweat, thus controlling the high temperature.
  • You can also use tea tree oil sprays for breathing it in at night.

9. Ticks and leeches

  • Apply pure essential oil directly to ticks or leeches and wait 15 minutes.
  • Try to eliminate the ones that did not fall on their own, paying attention to the head.
  • Apply tea tree oil to the bite several times a day for a week.

10. Skin problems

  • Apply the essential oil cream two times a day to problem skin, such as dry and chapped skin, oily skin, blemished skin, etc.
  • We make a lotion that can also be useful as a tonic and cleanser.

11. Burns

  • Apply pure necessary oil to the area 3 times a day to prevent the appearance of bubbles, speed up the healing process, prevent infections, and reduce pain.
  • If the affected area is widespread, as in sunburn sunscreen, it creates a distilled water-based lotion.

12. Cold

  • Perform oral vapours or rinses with essential oil two times a day to calm coughs and sore throats.
  • It is also helpful to massage the chest and back with tea tree oil and a home spray.

What are the Benefits of Tea Tree Oil?

1. Hand sanitizer

  • Tea tree oil is an ideal natural hand sanitizer.
  • Studies have shown that it kills some common bacteria and viruses that cause disease, including E. coli, S. pneumonia, and H. influenza.
  • Additionally, several types of hand wash basins show that adding tea tree oil to cleaners increased their effectiveness against E. coli.
  • Here’s a simple procedure for making your own moisturizing, all-natural hand sanitizer made using tea tree oil.
  • Using tree oil as an exceptional and natural hand sanitizer can help kill several germs that cause colds, flu, and other illnesses.

2. Insect repellent

  • It helps to keep pests away.
  • One research found that 24 hours after being treated with tea tree oil, cows had a 61% smaller number of flies than cows not treated with tea tree oil.
  • Additionally, a test-tube study found that it had a more remarkable ability to repel mosquitoes than
  • DEET, the most widespread active ingredient in commercial insect repellents.
  • Try this simple-to-make insect repellant with it and other natural ingredients.
  • Tea tree oil has been useful to kill or repel all insects. In some cases, it is as helpful or more effective than regular insecticides or repellents.

3. Natural deodorant

  • The antiseptic effects of tea tree oil may help control underarm odour associated with sweating.
  • The sweat itself does not smell. However, when the secretions of sweat glands combine with bacteria on your skin, a
    moderate to strong odour is produced.
  • Your armpit contains a high concentration of these glands and is primarily responsible for body odour.
  • There is a safe and effective natural deodorant that we can make with it and a few other ingredients.
  • It contains a few compounds that fight bacteria that cause body odour. We can use it to make safe and effective deodorant.

4. Antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes

  • Injuries that cause skin damage make it easier for germs to get into your bloodstream, leading to infection.
  • It can help treat and disinfect slight cuts and abrasions by killing S. aureus and other microorganisms that can cause infection in open wounds.
  • To purify a cut or scrape, follow these steps:
  1. Thoroughly clean the cut with plain soap and water.
  2. You need to combine a drop of it with one teaspoon of coconut oil.
  3. Apply a minimal amount of the blend to the wound and cover it with a bandage.
  4. And also, you can repeat this procedure twice a day until a scab form.
  5. Find coconut oil online.
  6. Applying a blend of it and coconut oil can help prevent minor cuts and abrasions from getting infected.

5. Boost wound healing

  • Besides reducing and preventing disease in cuts and abrasions, it can also promote wound healing.
  • The research shows that it helps reduce inflammation and triggers white blood cells’ activity, which plays a vital role in your healing process.
  • In a small group of 10 people with injuries, adding it to conventional wound treatment resulted in decreased healing time in all but one of the participants.
  • We can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the dressing each time a new dressing is applied.
  • Tea tree oil can help rate wound healing by reducing inflammation and increasing white blood cell activity.

6. Fight acne

  • It can be an effective weapon against acne.
  • Numerous studies have shown that it helps reduce the quantity and overall severity of acne.
  • In one research, applying a 5% tea tree gel to acne lesions was more than three times more useful in reducing the number of lesions than a placebo.
  • It was almost six times more effective at reducing severity.
  • In another study, we find it to be as effective against acne as benzoyl peroxide, the most common anti-acne drug.
  • We can purchase the tea tree oil-based acne gels at natural grocery stores or online retailers.
  • Alternatively, you can make your acne treatment by mixing one tea tree oil with nine water parts.
  • I am applying the mixture to the affected areas with a cotton swab twice a day, such as necessary.
  • Gels containing it shows that reduce the number of lesions and acne severity in many studies.

7. Get rid of nail fungus.

  • Fungal nail infections are quite common. Although they are not hazardous, they can be unsightly.
  • Some medications can treat nail fungus, although some people may prefer a more natural approach.
  • It helps to remove nail fungus when used alone or in combination with other natural remedies.
  • People with nail fungus use this pure oil or an antifungal medication for six months in a controlled study.
  • About 60% of people in each group had the partial or complete decree of the fungus.
  • You can use a small number of drops of it alone or blend it with an equivalent amount of coconut oil and apply it to the affected area.
  • Be sure to clean your hands right away after application to avoid spreading the fungus to other places.
  • It appears to be useful against fungal nail infections as antifungal drugs we apply to the area.

8. Mouthwash without chemicals

  • The study suggests that it can fight microorganisms that cause tooth decay and bad breath.
  • One research found that tea tree oil was more efficient against plaque-causing bacteria than chlorhexidine, a common disinfectant, and oral rinse aid.
  • Also, its taste was deemed less unpleasant.

What are the Best Tea Tree Oils available on the market?

To make your choice more comfortable and to help you choose a product suited to your needs.

We are going to talk about the main characteristics and advantages of these products. Here is our ranking:

Position 1: Organic MyCosmetik tea tree essential oil

  • MyCosmetik tea tree essential oil is 100% pure and natural oil, controlled and certified BIO (AB) by ECOCERT.
  • It is ideal for stimulating the immune system and attacks the fungi responsible for mycosis.
  • It prevents the growth of bacteria and viruses, cleanses and tones both the scalp and the skin.
  • This oil will also serve as a natural preservative for your cosmetic preparations thanks to its bactericidal properties.
  • It is a total and complete oil, without bisphenol, phthalate, paraben.

Position 2: Birth tea tree essential oil

  • The essential lotion (tea tree) 100% pure and natural.
  • You will love it’s characteristic fresh, medicinal, clean, camphoric, herbaceous, earthy, and woody fragrance.
  • Birth tea tree essential oil is helpful for its purifying and soothing properties for the skin.
  • Refreshing and energizing in aromatherapy, it is also suitable for mixtures of massage oils.
  • Dilute 1% of the final mixture, or about 20 drops or 1 ml of essential oil per 100 ml of vegetable oil. For the body or in the bath, you can use up to 3% essential oil.

Position 3: Voshuiles tea tree essential oil

  •, it comes from organic farming is 100% natural and is ECOCERT certified.
  • Its scent is at once lemony, woody and earthy, a little camphoric. In the mouth, it gives a slightly spicy note.
  • We can use it to flavour your preparations, such as sorbets, drinks, or confectionery.
  • These oils are classified under food flavouring legislation and are HEBBD, botanically, and biochemically defined.

Position 4: Mearome tea tree essential oil

  • The essential oil of Tea Tree Mearome, a genuine concentrate of plants, has excellent antiviral and antifungal properties.
  • That is why this essential oil is recognized as the most effective natural solution to relieve cold sores and eliminate fungi.
  • Just apply a drop of Tea Tree essential oil directly to the pimple to cleanse the skin and quickly absorb pimples.
  • We certify by the HEBBD the quality of Mearome essential oils is, HECT and 100% Pures et Naturelles labels.
  • And also, Mearome undertakes only to use plants from fair trade and small local producers.

Position 5: Kanzy Hair and Beauty Tea Tree Essential Oil

  • It is a wonderfully versatile oil, is well known for its therapeutic benefits.
  • Its balancing and cleansing powers make it ideal for use in skincare.
  • Plus, you can use in your homemade beauty formulations like creams, balms, cleansers, or skin toners, among others.
  • It is known for its purifying effect on the senses.
  • When used in a mist or diffuser, its robust and spicy aroma has calming properties while leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.

What are the precautions to take when using tea tree oil?

  • If you’ve read our article so far, you’ll understand that it is beneficial for its remarkable
  • However, to take full advantage of its services without harming your health, it is essential to know how to use it correctly.
  • Below is a catalogue of precautions to take:
  1. It is mostly for external use only; we should not ingest.
  2. It is a very concentrated oil, so a few drops applied topically are sufficient.
  3. I recommend you to do a sensitivity test by applying a few drops of oil on the wrist or the inside of the elbow.
  4. Then wait for 36-48 hours to see if any allergic reactions appear.
  5. If you notice any irritation, rinse the area well with water. You can repeat a sensitivity test by diluting tea tree oil in vegetable oil.
  6. However, if the irritation persists, stop using it.
  7. Babies and toddlers should use it only diluted with water or another vegetable oil, such as coconut oil.
  8. Avoid keeping it in plastic containers, in its pure form.
  9. Keep it out of the reach of children, protected from light, in a cool and dry place.