The Universal Beauty

7 Tips for Having Younger-Looking Skin

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Skin looking younger: While we can’t change the fact that time keeps marching forward and we all keep getting older, there are some things we can do to keep our skin looking younger. Age-related changes to our skin are natural, but there are healthy choices we can make that will slow the process by building happier, healthier skin.

From quality skincare products like a hydrating face cream to how we sleep and eat, there is a lot we can do to slow the hands of time.

skin looking younger - face wash

Cleanse Your Skin

Washing your face doesn’t need to be a complicated multi-step process. The most important things to consider are:

  • Harsh cleansers strip the skin leaving it tight and dry. A gentle cleanser used before bed is really all that’s needed. For older skin, just a splash of water in the morning should be enough.
  • Do wash more frequently if you are perspiring or exposed to salt water (or even salty air) or to remove bug spray, pollution or other chemicals. Leaving the skin exposed to irritants longer than necessary can cause damage.
  • Be gentle! Scrubbing is not needed and causes micro-abrasions that irritate skin, causing it to age prematurely.

What You Eat Affects Your Skin

Healthy diet means healthier skin! Research has shown that getting enough vital nutrients helps skin heal faster, as well as reduces the inflammation that can occur in certain skin conditions.

You’ve heard it all before, but here’s rundown of what to eat (and not eat) for better skin:

  • Essential fatty acids
  • Pre- and probiotics
  • Turmeric
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Foods containing vitamins D and A and Beta Carotene
  • Vitamins C- and E-rich foods as well
  • Reduced intake of processed foods
  • Reduction of simple carbs like starches and sugars

A healthy diet gives the body the essential nutrients to heal and repair skin damage as well as encourages the growth of healthy new cells.

sleeping women

Sleep for Your Skin

People who don’t get enough sleep look tired and, according to research, they also look older. The increase in fine lines and drooping skin from even two nights of reduced sleep was notable. Getting enough rest not only improves your skin in the short term, but it can help in the long run as well.

When your body is rundown from lack of sleep, your body’s capacity for recovery will suffer. Tiredness can affect the speed of healing — and that goes for your skin too. Try to shoot for nine hours of sleep a night for a healthy glow.

Be Gentle to Your Skin

Some people have more sensitive skin than others. Make sure to use products that agree with you. If a particular product is causing burning or tingling sensations, then it is likely irritating your skin, which will cause damage and inflammation. Find a product that is more gentle.

The use of chemical exfoliants has skyrocketed in recent years. Use of harsh chemicals should be done cautiously and, ideally, with a dermatologist’s supervision. Overuse of these exfoliants can backfire, leaving you with damaged skin.


This one seems so obvious, but many women overlook this crucial step until it’s too late. The use of a quality moisturizer helps trap water in the skin. This not only helps it to plump up and reduces the look of fine lines, but it also creates a healthier environment for the cells to function within.

Moisturizing products can be basic, or they can come with added features like this firming eye cream. Find ones that work best for you and make sure to use them every day.

Get Regular Exercise

We know the benefits of exercise for our health, but exercise may also play a role in the health of our skin. Regular exercise helps stimulate the circulation that brings vital nutrients to skin cells, allowing them to be healthier and repair damage.

Exercise may also increase the availability of vital skin components such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, which can increase the youthfulness of your skin. There have been notable differences in the skin of active people versus that of people who are more sedentary. Get out there and try to get some activity at least five days a week.

Face stuck

“Your Face Will Get Stuck Like That”

Most of us have heard that line when making some unpleasant face at our mom or a friend, but there is some truth to it! Repetitive facial expressions increase the depth of particular creases in the skin. They are not called “frown lines” for no reason!

Try to pay attention to the tension in your face throughout the day. Notice if you are furrowing your brow, pulling down the corners or your mouth or keeping your eyebrows perpetually arched. Make an effort to relax your facial muscles and, perhaps, even give yourself a little facial massage when you stop work at lunchtime. Your skin will thank you.

Genetics play a major role in how our skin ages, but there’s still a lot we can do to help ourselves have younger looking skin as we age.