The Universal Beauty

Egg pore strips – Method, Tips, and Egg pore strips Homemade Recipes

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Universal Beauty

What does Egg pore strips do?

  • Egg pore strips is a natural and easy way to remove dirt and unwanted particles that settle on the face to make it clean.
  • Making pore cleansing strips is very easy. I have two ways, one that I use a lot and another that I use less.
  • The first one I use most often, we only need a container, egg white, a brush, and toilet paper.

Method of using pore strip

  • We apply a little previously beaten egg white on the area with black spots with a flat brush, usually the nose or chin.
  • And we cover with toilet paper. In my case, I separate the layers and put a skinny layer.
  • I apply more egg white and let it dry.
  • There is no stipulated time. I wait a long time, sometimes half an hour, and then carefully remove my egg white pore strip and toilet paper, trying to get all the black spots out.
  • Once the pore cleanser strip is removed, I apply toner to close the pores.

Homemade Recipes to make Egg pore strips

  • Making homemade pore strips in our home is a relatively simple process, and it will not take much of our time.
  • If you want to learn how to make them, we will present you with three recipes that can be very useful.

1. Strips with egg whites

  • Egg whites are widely used as home remedies for their astringent properties and exfoliating effects on the skin.
  • When used as strips, egg whites may have the ability to remove dead cells that clog pores.
  • We need egg whites and sheets of paper tape or papers to dry.
  • We will place the whites in a bowl on which we will break the paper into small pieces that will mix with the egg whites.
  • Once the whites have been soaked with the paper tape, we will place the pieces in the areas we want to work on.
  • After the paper has hardened, probably after 20 minutes, we will gently remove it from our skin.

2. Strips with egg, honey, and sugar

  • Honey has proven antiseptic properties, while the hard texture of sugar creates a powerful exfoliator.
  • When combined, both ingredients create a powerful homemade strip for blackheads.
  • Heat equal parts honey and sugar over a skillet, add an egg to it and allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes once it is completely combined.
  • Apply the mixture to the desired area next to the paper strips and allow it to harden for about 15 minutes.
  • Then remove them very carefully.

3. Strips with egg, yogurt, and gelatin

  • Yogurt moisturizes the skin while calming inflammation thanks to its natural probiotics.
  • In this recipe, the gelatin serves to provide the “sticky” effect that unblocks the pores.
  • If you don’t have yogurt, milk could do the job.
  • Heat yogurt and gelatin in a pan in equal parts, add the egg but make sure they are not hot but warm.
  • Once you have verified it, apply the mixture in the places you want to work, letting it rest for a period of 15 minutes.
  • This mixture deserves special care with skins that are very sensitive and suffer from acne.
  • The adhesion capacity of gelatin can irritate while it is stirred.
  • There have also been people who have experienced a lot of pain when removing the strips.