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Meditate Write For Us

Meditate Write For Us

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing or clearing the mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques.

Depending on the type of meditation you choose, you may meditate to relax, reduce anxiety and stress, and more. Some people even use meditation to improve their health, such as getting used to the challenges of quitting tobacco.

The practice of meditation is thousands of years old, and various forms come from all over the world. However, it is only in the last few decades that modern science has begun to study this practice in detail. Some of the greatest advances in the scientific understanding of meditation have only been possible thanks to modern technology.

Outwardly, it may appear that someone meditating is doing nothing other than breathing or repeating a sound or phrase over and over again. But in her brain, the story is completely different. Modern diagnostic and imaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) show that meditation can have positive effects on the brain and mental health.

Is Meditation a Religious Practice?

Yes and no. Meditation remains based on ancient philosophies and various world religions, but you don’t have to be religious to meditate.

Some examples of religious and non-religious meditation methods are:

Buddhist: Several different forms of meditation have their origins in Buddhism (considered both a philosophy and a religion, particularly depending on the nation of birth). Theravadan meditation is most widespread in Southeast Asia, particularly India and Thailand.

Zen Buddhist meditation originated in China, and over time, various forms developed elsewhere, such as Japanese Zen Buddhist meditation. Tibetan Buddhist tantric meditation originates from the ancient nation of Tibet, now an autonomous region of China.

Christian: Contemplation, which involves intensely concentrating on a question, idea, religious concept, or deity, is a common practice in Christianity. Prayer is often classified as meditation, especially when it takes this form.

Guided: This non-religious form of meditation can be done with several people or individually. It is a common technique in counseling, therapy, and group support environments.

Osho: This form of meditation, also called “dynamic meditation,” comes from India and has its roots in Hinduism. Breathing exercises are conscious and powerful.

Sufi: Sufism is a branch of Islam and meditation is a common practice among people who follow it.

Taoist: Like Buddhism, Taoism is also considered a religion and philosophy. It has its origins in China and is best known for the writings of its founder Laozi (also spelled “Lao Tzu” or “Lao-Tze”).

Transcendental: This form of meditation comes from India and is not religious. Mantras are used, which are phrases or words that people focus on and repeat out loud or mentally.

Yoga: This is a physical form of meditation and exercise from India. It can take religious and non-religious forms.

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